Results of the current survey (winter semester 2024/2025) can be found here.
Results of the last Alumni Survey (graduating class of 2022) can be found here.
ResultsStudent Surveys, Survey Management
+49 721 608-41142
anne pfeifer ∂does-not-exist.kit edu
11.40 Campus Süd
Student Surveys at KIT
KIT quality management accompanies students throughout the entire student lifecycle with surveys on various topics. Thus, students have the opportunity to actively participate in shaping the studies at KIT and can periodically communicate their needs and wishes.
The results are made available to the responsible persons (Executive Board, KIT faculties and teaching units) as well as other contact persons at KIT and flow into regular discussions with teaching managers and commissions. Parts of the survey results always flow into the KIT-PLUS procedure. The survey results thus have a direct influence on the accreditation and design of the study programs.
Enrollment survey
Enrollment survey
Who is surveyed? All first-time and newly enrolled students at KIT.
What is asked? In the enrollment survey, we ask the first-year students for feedback on their transition from school to studying at KIT, e.g. orientation- and information-searching behavior of the students before starting their studies, reasons for deciding to study at KIT, entry into studies at KIT, evaluation of used counseling and support services, and knowledge and competences brought into their studies.
When? Every winter semester.
Here you can find a short summary of the results of the last survey:
Results of the last enrollment survey.
The detailed results are available for KIT members in the report database of the Quality Management.
Survey at the start of studies
Course Evaluation
Survey on Studies and Examinations at KIT
Survey on Studies and Examinations at KIT
Who is surveyed? All students of KIT (exception: survey takes place in the winter semester. In this case, all students from the second semester on are surveyed; first-time and newly enrolled students can participate in the enrollment survey in the winter semester.)
What is asked? In the survey on the organization of studies and examinations, we ask students for feedback on the current study situation, e.g. supervision and advising options, aspects of study organization, study satisfaction, studyability (workload), examination organization, competence-oriented examination, and dropping out of studies.
When? The survey usually takes place every three semesters, alternating between the summer and winter semesters.
Here you can find the summarized results of the last survey on study and examination organization: Presentation Survey on Study and Examination Organization (Summer Semester 2024).
The detailed results are available for KIT members in the report database of the quality management.
Alumni Survey
Alumni Survey
Who is surveyed? All graduates of an academic year.
What is asked? In the alumni survey, we ask graduates for feedback on their individual career transition and professional development. This includes, for example, a retrospective assessment of study conditions and courses, the course of studies, experiences when starting a career, skills acquired during studies, and skills actually required in practice.
The survey always takes place in the winter semester, approx. 12-18 months after graduation.
Here you can find a short summary of the results of the last survey:
Results of the last graduate survey
The detailed results are available for KIT members in the report database of the quality management.
Baden-Württemberg graduate study (three-year study)
Baden-Württemberg graduate study (three-year study)
The KIT alumni survey is conducted in cooperation with other state universities in Baden-Württemberg. A joint report volume was prepared for the graduation years 2016 to 2018. The following universities were involved: Albert Ludwigs University Freiburg, Ruprecht Karls University Heidelberg, University of Hohenheim, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), University of Konstanz, University of Mannheim, University of Stuttgart, Eberhard Karls University Tübingen, University of Ulm.
Results of the graduation years 2016 to 2018 for the whole of Baden-Württemberg
Survey on studies during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Survey on studies during the COVID-19 Pandemic
The COVID-19 Pandemic had a major impact on students' studies and lifestyles as of March 2020. In order to collect the experiences and assessments of students, KIT, in cooperation with its constituted student body and the Studierendenwerk Karlsruhe, conducted the special survey "Studying under Pandemic Conditions" at the end of the summer semester 2021.
The survey covers both the handling of online teaching and private and health-related effects of the pandemic.
Results of the survey on studying under pandemic conditions
Questionnaire (available on the intranet)
Workload survey
Workload survey
The student workload is an important indicator for the studyability of our study programs at KIT. One ECTS point corresponds to an average student workload of 25 to a maximum of 30 hours. In addition to attending courses, the student workload also includes the time spent preparing for and following up on courses, examinations, and the time spent on self-study.
In addition to the various feedback possibilities within the framework of the surveys on studies and teaching and the course evaluation, you students can also contact KIT directly for this purpose.
To do so, please write an e-mail to qualitaetsmanagement∂sts.kit.edu with the following information:
- Specification of study program as well as module
- Description of the actual workload
We will send your feedback anonymously to the responsible persons and give you feedback on the result.