Health and safety at work

You can find information on the following topics relating to "Health and safety at work" here:

Occupational medicine

The company doctors advise and support the employer in matters of occupational health and safety, accident prevention and health protection. This includes services ranging from medical prevention to the detection of work-related illnesses and rehabilitation.

If you would like to find out more about the health promotion services offered by the Medical Services at KIT, but have not yet received an official appointment for an employment examination or occupational health screening, you are welcome to make an appointment directly with the Medical Services for an initial contact. The respective contact persons at the South Campus and North Campus as well as further information on the Medical Services can be found at this link.

Health at KIT

Protecting and promoting the health of employees at KIT is an important concern of the Executive Board. Several organizational units at KIT have been tasked with its implementation. These have joined forces to form a health network. The Health Network offers a wide range of services, including medical care, health in the workplace, sport and fitness as well as support in case of conflicts and psychological problems.

Detailed information on the various services offered by the participating network partners and contact details can be found here.

Safety, environment and company obligations

The Service Unit Safety and Environment (SUM) advises and supports the organizational units of KIT in the implementation of and compliance with legally relevant requirements in the areas of occupational and operational safety and environmental protection as well as in approval issues. These entrepreneurial duties apply in particular to KIT as a legal entity and employer, but can also be transferred to the management of an organizational unit at KIT in accordance with the Occupational Health and Safety Act. In principle, every supervisor is responsible for the occupational health and safety of their employees. This responsibility arises implicitly from the employment contract and the actual position as supervisor. The head of the Safety and Environment Service Unit will be happy to answer any questions in this regard

As a professor at KIT, you are responsible under employment law for the staff under your supervision. If your professorship is associated with an institute management function, you are also responsible for occupational safety at the institute concerned.

The KIT Information System Safety (KISS) provides KIT employees with a central information system on all aspects of safety and environmental protection. This portal does not contain approval notices, but rather information on the legal basis for applying for or receiving approval notices on this topic.

Important regulations at KIT are in particular the cross-campus waste regulations and the general safety regulations for the North Campus, which you can also access on this page under the headings "KISS search from A - Z", "Waste regulations" and "KISS search from A - Z", "General safety regulations".

Further information on the range of services, events and contact details of the SUM contact persons can be found here.