Online and Social Media

Research, Teaching, and Innovation at KIT
Bei Facebook, Twitter, YouTube und Instagram.

Social media: networked and well informed

Social networks are important communication channels of KIT: across platforms, around a quarter of a million people follow the KIT's offerings on LinkedIn, Instagram, YouTube, Mastodon, Bluesky, and Facebook (as of February 2025).

The online editorial team keeps fans and followers up to date with current information from research, teaching, innovation, and transfer, event information, and new videos from KIT, and reports on life on campus.

N. N. - Portal on KIT topics

Our communication follows the "digital first" approach. The homepage is the central portal and first guide to the topics of KIT. In the header of the website, we take up a KIT topic in the form of a multimedia dossier on a regular basis. The selection is based on topicality, special relevance in a current public debate, or strategic importance for KIT at the moment of publication. In addition, there are news from research, teaching, and innovation. Thanks to our rubric pages, the entire world of KIT topics is only one click away in the main menu.

Timo Schreck, M.A.
Channel Manager Online; Deputy Head of Department

+49 721 608-41152timo schreck does-not-exist.kit edu