Reporting Publications at KIT
"Scientific communication and scientific progress are essentially based on the exchange of research results as the outcome of scientific work. The uniform and structured presentation of the scientific activities of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology is of central importance for KIT as one of the largest research and teaching institutions in Europe.
KIT respects and protects the constitutionally guaranteed freedom of research and teaching as the basis of scientific communication. At the same time, KIT has a strong interest in ensuring that publications associated with it as an institution meet the requirements of scientific, formal and legal conformity." (from: Circular of the Executive Board No. 01/2019, in German only)
Therefore, all scientific publications that have been produced in connection with KIT should be recorded and presented centrally in the Repository KITopen. In addition, the research achievements should be freely available worldwide on the internet in accordance with the principles of Open Access.
Further information on this topic can be found here (in German only).