
On the subject of "Innovation", you will find information on the following points here:


Innovation and Relations Management

Alongside research and teaching, innovation is KIT's third task. KIT Innovation and Relations Management (IRM) has the task of identifying and securing potential innovations together with the scientific community and initiating and supporting their commercial exploitation. The services range from securing intellectual property in industrial property rights, technology marketing, partner search, project initiation and negotiation of license agreements to the initiation, evaluation and support of start-ups and investments.

IRM is at your disposal for all questions in this field under this link.

Innovation Fund (Project Applications)

The KIT Innovation Fund is an internal KIT funding program for technology transfer projects in institutes. The aim is the product-oriented further development of research results together with an industrial partner. The further developed commercializable product can then be manufactured and distributed by the industrial partner. The Innovation Fund is financed by returns from license income. The basis of the innovation fund principle is therefore a "generation contract", i.e. projects receive funding with the aim of generating returns for the scientists, the institutes and the innovation fund. These in turn can be used quickly and flexibly to promote new projects.

Scientists from the KIT can apply for funding from the fund, for example to carry out a technology transfer project at their institute without incurring any costs. The industrial partner bears its own costs.

Further information on the KIT Innovation Fund can be found under the following link:

KIT Innovation Fund

Patent and Licensing

Recognizing, protecting and defending intellectual property rights as assets is the task of the patent consulant in KIT Innovation and Relations Management (IRM). As an employer, KIT should therefore be informed when its employees have made an invention. IRM is available to KIT employees as an advisory contact point and is responsible both for patenting their invention and for its subsequent exploitation via a license.

For a quick start, you will find on this website, among other things, "FAQ" with a compilation of frequently asked questions and the corresponding answers as well as the "Guidelines on Technology Transfer at KIT", which contain information on technology transfer at KIT, a guideline on dealing with intellectual property at KIT (IPR Policy) and information for inventors as well as on inventor remuneration (KIT PAL).

Business Start-ups

Business start-ups have a high priority at KIT. All offers and measures for those interested in founding a company and founders are bundled in the umbrella project "KIT-Gründerschmiede". The Gründerschmiede internet portal provides both academic staff and students with information on teaching and further training opportunities, start-up and funding advice and other financing instruments. Innovation and Relations Management (IRM) is responsible for the supervision and support of start-up projects in the academic field.