Third-party Funding

On KIT’s third-party funding portal, you will find contact persons for acquiring third-party funding and details on institutions providing funding, procedures, target groups, front offices, information material, templates as well as further notes and information under this link.

Within the framework of projects funded by third parties, centrally financed infrastructural services of KIT (e.g. rooms and equipment, electrical power, heating, water supply, administrative services) are used. These overhead costs generally have to be included in the cost estimation used to apply for third-party funding (in particular in case of contract research). For KIT’s University Responsibilities (not for Large-scale Research Responsibilities), regulations have been adopted for deduction of a percentage in the third-party funds acquired. This so-called internal deduction of overhead costs remains in the central budget. It ensures adequate sharing of centrally financed overhead costs. The valid overhead rates are published regularly in a circular letter by the Executive Board.