Telephone and Office Mobile
For business external calls, the 0 must be dialed first, then the destination number must be dialed. The call charges incurred are automatically recorded centrally and billed once a month to the KIT institution or the corresponding cost center.
The use of the telecommunications system for private calls is only permitted at KIT for business purposes. Exceptions are only permitted for official reasons. The "Service agreement on the operation of the telephone system at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)" can be found here (in German only).
Detailed information on the services offered by the Communication Technology Service Center of the Facility Management (FM) Business Unit (DE) and on the telephone system as well as the contact details for reporting a fault can be found via this link (in German only).
Mobile radio is managed by the Scientific Computing Center (SCC). You can find more information on this under: Mobile Device Support.