Rankings and distribution of funds
University rankings evaluate universities according to various criteria in research and teaching and enable a comparison at national and international level. International rankings are also becoming increasingly important in the German higher education landscape, whether for partnership negotiations, student marketing, third-party funding acquisition or staff recruitment. However, rankings are also often the subject of controversial discussions; it is precisely the sometimes opaque methodology or the attempt to evaluate universities in their entirety that leads to criticism.
The Karlsruhe Institute of Technology participates in various university rankings at specified intervals. Among the most important international rankings are the World University Rankings of Times Higher Education (THE) and Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) as well as the Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU) and Shanghai Ranking.
Rankings are an important source of information for pupils (especially high school graduates), students, employers, ministries and other interested parties and are becoming increasingly important in external presentation.
The Karlsruhe Institute of Technology participates in various university rankings at specified intervals. KIT is evaluated in research and teaching on the basis of different criteria.
Some rankings in which KIT is represented:
- CHE (Center for Higher Education Development)
- THE (Times Higher Education)
- WIWO (Business Week)
- ARWU (Academic Ranking of World Universities/ Shanghai Ranking)
- NTU-Ranking
- QS-Ranking
STS-SCR's task is to coordinate the data collection, to check and plausibilize the data and to pass it on to the agencies. Furthermore, the ranking results are analyzed and prepared for the information of the KIT committees.
Press releases and further information
- ARWU-Ranking
- CHE-Ranking
- NTU("Taiwan")-Ranking
- QS-Ranking
- QS-Fächerranking
- QS-Employability-Ranking
- THE-Ranking
- U-Multitrank
- WiWo-Ranking
Allocation of funds
STS-SCR coordinates the allocations of funds to the KIT Departments. The following budgets are distributed:
- KIT Qualipakt funds (including "Student Quality Assurance Funds").
- Teaching budget
- KIT Department budget
- Funds of the "University 2012" and "Master 2016" expansion plans
Recipients are in particular the KIT Departments in the areas. The funds are distributed via a model that takes into account various indicators (students, personnel, teaching links between KIT Departments). Parts of the KIT-Qualipakt funds are also distributed to central service units via an application procedure.
Strategy Fund
The Strategy Fund supports measures that provide strategic impetus in research, teaching and innovation. A selection procedure is carried out for this purpose (usually annually). STS-SCR is responsible for coordinating the procedure, controlling and reporting on the Strategy Fund.
Selection results Strategy Fund (internal)