KIT Suggestion Box
We will try to help you and provide you with the suitable contact person, regardless of whether your message concerns various quality management issues or other topics. In any case - you will receive feedback from us.
Your message to the Suggestion Box will be treated confidentially and anonymously, even if other people need to be involved to clarify your concern.
Further contact persons and consulting services:
Offers for students and employees
The feedback portal gives you an overview regarding various contact points and consulting services of KIT.
All those who study or work at KIT can submit concrete suggestions for improvement here.
Services for students
Central Student Advisory Service (ZSB)
If you, as a student, are looking for advice for a special situation in your life (e.g. health restrictions, personal problems, compatibility of studies and family, etc.), you are welcome to contact the ZSB.
PBS - Psychotherapeutic Counseling Center of the "Studierendenwerk Karsruhe"
Psychotherapeutic counseling sessions and group offers for all study-related and personal problems, for students of the university region Karlsruhe/ Pforzheim as well as reference persons who are worried about a student.
Offers for employees
Staff Unit Conflict Management and Psychosocial Counseling (KMB)
Here, employees can find assistance and counseling.
Nadja Legrum-Khaled
Head of Quality Management in Teaching and Learning