International Researchers


The International Scholars & Welcome Office (IScO) of the Business Unit International Affairs (INTL) is the central point of contact for international scientist mobility at KIT. Among other things IScO advises and supports international scientists in preparing their own or their guest scientist's stay in Germany and in their rapid integration at KIT.

On these pages you will find information and advice that should be considered before arriving in Germany, in particular on visas, important documents, conditions for spouse and family reunification, health insurance cover (not relevant for civil servants; information on this can be found under the keyword "Beihilfe") as well as on financing the stay and scholarships, including for your employees (not relevant for civil servants).

A brief overview of the necessary steps after your arrival in Karlsruhe, in particular registration at the residents' registration office, residence permit, statutory and private insurance (this matter only applies to civil servants to a limited extent; information on retirement pensions for civil servants can be found under the keyword "Ruhegehalt (Pension)"), taxation and opening a bank account as well as leisure and culture in Karlsruhe can be found here.

IScO will be happy to provide you with information on everyday life in Germany and Karlsruhe as well as on topics such as language courses, childcare, school and housing (see welcome video "Welcome to KIT - A Guide For International Researcher").

An overview of all IScO services and contact persons can be found here.