Dual Career Service

KIT's Dual Career Service in the Executive Office and Strategy Business Unit (Department of Appointment Procedures) offers the partners of new professors a wide range of advisory services. The focus here is on supporting the partner in their search for suitable career opportunities in the Karlsruhe region. In addition, extensive information is provided on the topics of "childcare", "schools" and "housing" in order to provide new managers and their families with the best possible starting conditions.

Details of the services offered, many helpful links and the contact person can be found on this page.

Service for Newly Appointed Professors

The Service for Newly Appointed Professors in the Executive Office and Strategy Business Unit (Department of Appointment Procedures) offers newly appointed professors comprehensive support to make their start at KIT as easy as possible. The Service for Newly Appointed Professors acts as a central point of contact and provides expert and competent advice from the respective business units.

The services offered, the contact person and the location of the Service for Newly Appointed Professors can be found on this page.

Newly Appointed Professors Reception

Especially for newly appointed professors, the Human Resources Development and Vocational Training (PEBA) has developed the Newly Appointed Professors Reception, which aims to provide a general overview of KIT and its structures in two days. With the help of numerous tips and practical information in a concentrated form, this event serves to make it easier for newly appointed staff to get started at KIT and also offers the opportunity to get to know the Executive Board and other newly appointed colleagues better and to exchange ideas with them.

Further information on this event and online registration can be found under this link.

Accommodation at KIT

Temporary accommodation for scientists is possible in the Scientific Meeting and Conference Center Gastdozentenhaus on South Campus.

KIT's International Guest House at Mühlburger Tor offers international KIT scientists arriving from abroad initial accommodation for up to six months. Early contact is recommended.

Detailed information on the Scientific Meeting and Conference Center Gastdozentenhaus and the KIT International Guest House can be found under the links provided.

Guest House of the KIT at Mühlburger Tor

Young Investigator Network: Further training and networking for W 1 professors

The Young Investigator Network (YIN) connects and supports young investigators at KIT (W 1, junior research group leaders). Exchange of experience in a lively peer community, tailor-made further education offers, financial support and political representation of interests are among the main activities of the network.

Further information on the Young Investigator Network's offers and events can be found online at the following link.

Individual offers of the Academic Development Divison

A comprehensive range of Human Resources Development and Vocational Training (PEBA) for professors and managers can be found under this link.

You can find more information on the subject of "Teaching and Learning at University" here.

In cooperation with the Young Investigator Network (YIN), PEBA offers tailor-made further training courses on leadership skills, management, didactics and personal development for W 1 professors.