Science Communication
Public confidence in science and research is high. This has been shown by the science barometer for many years. Successful science communication promotes this trust. The credible and comprehensible communication of new technologies and scientific breakthroughs, such as reducing CO2 emissions and saving energy or procedures and processes based on artificial intelligence methods, can make a significant contribution to their acceptance. Targeted communication also enables science, politics and industry to benefit from KIT's research results.
As the central communication unit, the General Communication Department (STS-GK) informs various KIT target groups about current research results and other news. We are happy to support and advise you as a researcher on any communication issues - be it for an interview, a press release, social media posts, video productions or crisis communication. If you have a topic suggestion for the overall communication of KIT, please submit it via the online form for topic planning or contact us directly by e-mail at themenplanung∂

The Overall Communication Department is responsible for the centralised communication of KIT both internally and externally.
KIT researchers make an important contribution to current social debates. The toolbox provides support.
Communicators at KIT regularly exchange views on current topics in the PR+ working group.