Support Services Offered by KIT

KIT offers a large range of services to support students and professors.


Services offered mainly for you:
Institution Services
Executive Office and Strategy - Quality Management (STS-QM) The services offered cover the quality management scheme for academic education with evaluations and surveys along the student lifecycle as well as the KIT-PLUS method.
Human Resources Development/University Didactics (PEBA, in German only) PEBA´s services focus on university didactics, the development of executives, staff selection procedures, diversity at KIT, and the Family+ program.
Center for Technology-Enhanced Learning (ZML) Services of ZML concentrate on online and hybrid teaching, the use of media for teaching purposes, blended learning/e-learning courses, and MOOCs.
Studying and Teaching (SLE) SLE provides services in the areas of the development of degree courses and the organization of academic education and examinations. It also operates the Students Office. 
Higher Education Law and Academic Affairs (HAA, in German only) HAA provides advice on legal aspects of academic education and higher education legislation. 


Services offered mainly for your students:
Institution Services
House of Competence (HoC, in German only) HoC offers courses for students to acquire key competencies (organizing learning, presenting/communicating, scientific writing).
General Studies. Forum Science and Society (FORUM) FORUM organizes courses for students to acquire key competencies, general studies courses, accompanying studies courses, and special funding programs.
MINT-Kolleg (in German only) MINT-Kolleg offers courses in STEM subjects for students in the first semesters parallel to their regular study programs.
Language Center/Studienkolleg for Foreign Students Studienkolleg and the Language Center offer language courses, courses for German as a foreign language, and language tests for admission to university.