The Scientific Computing Center (SCC) is the information technology center of the KIT. In addition to the tasks of a modern IT service center for science, the SCC conducts its own research and development. The SCC offers all employees, students and partners of KIT a wide range of services in the most diverse matters of information processing. In addition to basic IT equipment (e.g. e-mail, web services, printing services, data services), this includes the provision of services for computing and data-intensive scientific projects, including the operation of the necessary infrastructures.
A cooperative IT supply concept is the basis for cooperation with the KIT institutions and its partners. The IT Appointees at KIT should be mentioned here in particular, but also partners from external institutions, e.g. at the state's universities. The IT Appointees of a KIT institution are the first point of contact for new employees with IT issues. They work closely with the specialist departments of the SCC.
More information on cooperation with the IT Appointees (ITB) can be found on the SCC websites -> for IT Appointees.
The SCC ServiceDesk is the central point of contact for inquiries, problem reports and requests relating to SCC services.
Detailed information on this range of services, the contact details of individual contact persons as well as the locations, availability and opening hours of the SCC ServiceDesk can be found here.
Information on SCC research topics can be found under this link.