Junior Professorship/Tenure-Track Professorship

As a rule, junior professors and tenure-track professors are appointed civil servants for a fixed term of six years. They can also be employed under a private-law contract for six years. Junior professorships and tenure-track professorships are subjected to a quality-assured interim evaluation and a quality-assured final evaluation to give the professors the feedback on their work.

Click here for the "Quality Assurance Concept for Junior Professorships and Tenure-track Professorships at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)" and the "Handreichung für Berufungs- und Evaluationskommissionen zum Qualitätssicherungskonzept für Juniorprofessuren und Tenure-Track-Professuren am Karlsruher Institut für Technologie" (information for appointment and evaluation commissions on the quality assurance concept for junior professorships and tenure-track professorships at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology).