Principle Guiding Studies and Teaching at KIT

Academic education at KIT aims to qualify young people by providing extensive scientific and research-based education and imparting key competencies. In fulfilling its tasks as a university, KIT understands itself as a research university committed to assuring and further enhancing the quality of its academic education. KIT offers research-based academic education, which means that research projects, including large-scale research collaborations, and latest findings obtained from them are directly incorporated in the curriculum. According to KIT´s basic didactic concept (research-based teaching and learning), research is the most important foundation of academic education. Vice versa, academic education stimulates research. Research-based teaching combines the theory and practice of gaining scientific knowledge and fosters the acquisition of expert knowledge and key competencies. All degree programs of KIT contain research-based teaching elements.

KIT strictly follows the principle of research and teaching forming an entity. We are convinced that research-based academic education in all its facets represents an optimum basis for a successful career of our graduates in society, science, and industry.

Click here for more information on KIT´s Principle Guiding Studies and Teaching (in German only), a graphical representation illustrating the forms of research-based teaching at KIT (in German only), and the Research-oriented Teaching Guidelines.