Participatory Teaching Dialogue using Reference Groups

The participatory teaching dialogue using reference groups (PLR) is an interactive evaluation method that was tested at KIT during the summer semester 23 and winter semester 23/24.

The PLR currently can't be offered as an evaluation method. Information about the concept of the pilot project can be found below or in this flyer.

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What is the PLR?

  • The PLR is an interactive evaluation method.
  • It complements the portfolio of evaluation methods at KIT in compliance with the standards of the Evaluation Regulations.
  • The focus is on the dialog between lecturers and students and a cooperation at eye level.
  • The PLR is particularly suitable if the lecturer want to obtain more detailed feedback outside of the standardized teaching evaluation.


What is a Reference Group?

  • The central element of the PLR is the 'Reference Group': a group of students from the course being evaluated.
  • The role of the Reference Group is to represent the students participating in the event.
  • At the same time, it is a point of contact for the lecturer and thus represents an interface between lecturers and students.
  • It usually consists of two to four students (depending on the number of participants in a course) and is formed at the beginning of the course.


How does the PLR work?

  • A PLR can be initiated by teachers as well as students. The prerequisite for this is that all participants agree.
  • The Reference Group receives an introduction to the methodology and is accompanied by HoC & STS-QM during the PLR.
  • The Reference Group is in constant contact with students and lecturers throughout the course in order to obtain feedback and, if necessary, to advocate for adjustments.
  • Supporting this is a brief evaluation via the six LQI questions that go into reporting on teaching.
  • At the end of the semester, a feedback session is held between the instructor and the Reference Group.
  • Students from the Reference Group may earn 1 credit by completing a reflection report.