"We create knowledge for society and the environment". Already since 2015, KIT has firmly anchored knowledge transfer in its mission and further developed it in 2018 in the course of its successful application to become an Excellence University "The Research University in the Helmholtz Association | Living the Change". The idea behind this is that meeting the major global challenges requires more and more transformation processes in the economy and society. In research, teaching, and innovation, KIT takes into account current developments and needs of society, economy, politics, and culture and relies on transfer and bidirectional dialog, for example in real laboratories or formats such as KIT Science Week. The Knowledge Transfer and Political Relations Department (STS-WT) bundles KIT's knowledge transfer activities and promotes networking between KIT and selected stakeholders such as politics.
Tasks at a glance
- Central contact for knowledge transfer
- Structuring knowledge transfer
- Coordination of knowledge transfer activities
- Representation of KIT regarding knowledge transfer in committees
- Editing and organizing reporting regarding knowledge transfer
- Documentation and maintenance of key figures for knowledge transfer
- KIT Science Week
- Anniversary "200 years KIT" (Intranet)
- Political networking and political stakeholder management
- Conception and development of new formats for knowledge transfer
- Networking between society and stakeholders of knowledge transfer at KIT
Do you have any suggestions or questions about knowledge transfer at KIT? Please feel free to contact us!
Name | Degree | Function | Contact |
Iordache, Claudia | Project coordination Science Week and Assistant | +49 721 608-41010 +49 174 4914799 claudia iordache ∂does-not-exist.kit edu |
Frisu, Ernestine | Head of Knowledge Transfer and Political Relations | ernestine frisu ∂does-not-exist.kit edu |
Los, Lara Marie | B.A. | Projektkoordination Jubiläum "200 Jahre KIT" | +49 721 608-41184 lara los ∂does-not-exist.kit edu CS 11.40 237 |
Gaab, Natalie | Head of KIT Science Week, Expert Knowledge Transfer | natalie gaab ∂does-not-exist.kit edu CS 11.40 252 |
Reiß, Wiebke | M.A. | Projektleitung Jubiläum "200 Jahre KIT", Wissenstransfer | +49 721 608-41164 +49 152 01602121 wiebke reiss ∂does-not-exist.kit edu |
Huber, Anton | Dr. | Public Affairs Manager | +49 721 608-41182 anton huber ∂does-not-exist.kit edu |
Stutz, Suzan | Dr. | Projektkoordinatorin für politische Vernetzungsarbeit | suzan stutz ∂does-not-exist.kit edu CS 11.40 |
1 additional person visible within KIT only. |