Quantum Materials – Professor Mario Ruben
Material architectures for future quantum technologies are the chemist’s field of study at the Institute for Quantum Materials and Technologies (IQMT) and the Institute of Nanotechnology (INT) of KIT. His research is targeted at precisely positioning and controlling qubits in electrical or photonic components.
How Material Structures Defined at the Atomic Level Are Revolutionizing the Computing World
Quantum computers with a huge processing power, extremely sensitive quantum sensors, quantum communication for secure data transmission: A totally new generation of technologies relies on quantum phenomena. For example, properties of waves can be observed in particles, and quantum particles appear to exist in two different places at the same time. “For about 20 years, science has been trying to leverage these phenomena for technological purposes,” states Professor Mario Ruben. “The fact that they interact with phenomena in their environment makes them unstable. The challenge is how to control them.” Ruben and his “Molecular Quantum Materials” research group at KIT’s Institute of Nanotechnology tackle this issue from the perspective of chemistry, focusing on the materials used for quantum technologies.
“Starting with individual atoms, we build new molecules and use them to develop innovative qubit materials,” explains Ruben. Quantum bits, also called qubits, are the basic computational unit of a quantum computer. Thanks to a specific quantum property called quantum superposition, a quantum bit can assume many different states between 0 and 1 at the same time. This allows parallel processing of data, which exponentially boosts the computational power of quantum computers compared to traditional digital computers. “For this to happen, the superposition states of the qubits must last long enough – we speak of coherent states here.” Based on Europium, which belongs to the rare-earth metals, Ruben and his group are developing material structures defined at the atomic level and precisely adjustable quantum properties. “Europium can be addressed by light and thus provides an interface between coherent states in molecules and coherent states in photons.”
In the future, quantum computers will be able to search the Internet much faster than can be imagined today, accelerate innovations, optimize production flows, and improve climate predictions. Quantum simulation could be used to explore materials that, for their part, exhibit quantum phenomena. Quantum communication could leverage quantum properties for cryptographic purposes – once somebody tries to decrypt the information, the quantum state decays. “We are testing this secure form of communication now over a fiber-optic line between KIT’s Campus North and Campus South sites,” Ruben adds. (or)
Press release on the opening of the fiber-optic test facility at KIT
The KIT Press Office will be pleased to put the media in touch with professor Mario Ruben.