Name | Degree | Function | Contact |
Winter, Julia | Dr. | Head of STS | julia winter ∂ kit edu CS Geb. 11.40 |
Iordache, Claudia | Project coordination Science Week and Assistant | +49 721 608-41010 +49 174 4914799 claudia iordache ∂ kit edu |
Seils, Sascha | Dr. | Resource manager | |
Wetzel, Corinna | Assistentin Abt. Strategisches Controlling und Reporting, Qualitätsmanagement, Gremienbetreuung | +49 721 608-41104 corinna wetzel ∂ kit edu CS 11.40 212 |
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Name | Degree | Function | Contact |
Schwindt, Sabine | Berufungsverfahren im B III | +49 721 608-41191 sabine schwindt ∂ kit edu CS 11.40 |
12 additional persons visible within KIT only. |
Name | Degree | Function | Contact |
Hamm, Ute | Executive Assistant Communications | ute hamm ∂ kit edu |
Hartmann-Dietsch, Isabelle | +49 721 608-41175 i hartmann ∂ kit edu |
Heidelberger, Martin | Dr. phil. | Editor, Press Officer | +49 721 608-41169 martin heidelberger ∂ kit edu |
Hoffmann, Joachim | Dr. | Head of Corporate Communications (managing); Editorial Manager | +49 721 608-41151 joachim hoffmann ∂ kit edu CS 11.40 224 |
Klär, Paul | M.A. | Präsidentenkommunikation | paul klaer ∂ kit edu CS 11.40 |
Könemann, Christian | Master | Chief Press Officer | +49 721 608-41190 christian koenemann ∂ kit edu CS 11.40 |
Kroll, Leonie | M.A. | Channelmanagement Magazines & Podcast | +49 721 608-41159 leonie kroll ∂ kit edu CS 11.40 |
Lehné, Margarete | M. A. | Media Relations Officer, Channelmanagement Press | +49 721 608-41157 margarete lehne ∂ kit edu CS 11.40 |
Mescoli, Felix | Dr. phil. | Press Officer, Editor | +49 721 608-41171 felix mescoli ∂ kit edu CS 11.40 218 |
Schreck, Timo | M.A. | Channel Manager Online; Deputy Head of Department | +49 721 608-41152 timo schreck ∂ kit edu |
Seebauer, Aileen | Editor, Press Officer | +49 721 608-41163 aileen seebauer ∂ kit edu |
Sefrin, Anja | |||
Stuchl, Michaela | Editorial Assistant/Publications | michaela stuchl ∂ kit edu |
Wiebe, Sandra | Editor, Press Officer | +49 721 608-41172 sandra wiebe ∂ kit edu CS 11.40 |
Yass, Adrian | M.A. | Editor (audiovisual media) | +49 721 608-41158 yass ∂ kit edu CS 11.40 |
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Name | Degree | Function | Contact |
Gerstner, Michael | M.A. | Head of Committee Support | +49 721 608-41170 michael gerstner ∂ kit edu |
Barumova-Paluch, Lora | MiBA | +49 721 608-41100 lora barumova-paluch ∂ kit edu |
Hanisch, Michelle | Gepr. Fachwirtin | Support of "Bereichsleiterrunde" | +49 721 608-41109 gremien-bereichsleitungen ∂ sts kit edu |
Lehr, Janine | Dipl.-Betrw. (BA) | Supervisory Board Office / Deputy Head of Committee Support | +49 721 608-41107 ar-geschaeftsstelle ∂ kit edu |
Ludwig, Anastasia | M. A. | Support of Executive Board Meetings (PS(+)) | +49 721 608-41108 gremien-praesidium ∂ sts kit edu |
Scheibenberger, Nastassja | M. A. | Gesamtlenkungskreis+ (GLK+) | +49 721 608-41126 nastassja scheibenberger ∂ kit edu |
Stach, Isabell | Support of KIT Senate | +49 721 608-41106 gremien-senat ∂ sts kit edu |
1 additional person visible within KIT only. |
Name | Degree | Function | Contact |
Boos, Heike | Dr. | Head of Helmholtz Energy Office | +49 721 608-41004 heike boos ∂ kit edu CS 11.40 |
González-García, Núria | Dr. | Expert Helmholtz Energy | nuria gonzalez-garcia ∂ kit edu CS 11.40 |
Hübsch, Manuela | Dr. | Expert Helmholtz Energy | manuela huebsch ∂ kit edu CS 11.40 |
Layer, Anna | M.Sc. | Expert Helmholtz Energy | +49 721 608-41007 +49 152 53098851 anna layer ∂ kit edu |
McInturff, Simone | Dr. | Expert Helmholtz Energy | +49 721 608-41009 +49 152 06532847 simone mcinturff ∂ kit edu CS |
Meyn, Andrea | Dr. | Expert Science Platform Climate Protection / Deputy Head Helmholtz Energy Office | +49 721 608-41005 andrea meyn ∂ kit edu |
Name | Function | Contact |
Fritz, Jan-Michael | Projekt BESSEr@KIT | jan fritz ∂ kit edu |
Gabrielczyk, Nathalie | KIT-PLUS-Procedures | |
Eisenmann, Steffen | Quality Manager | steffen eisenmann ∂ kit edu |
Legrum-Khaled, Nadja | Head of Quality Management in Teaching and Learning | +49 721 608-41140 legrum ∂ kit edu 11.40 |
Jentsch, Magdalena | Course Assessment | +49 721 608-41141 magdalena jentsch ∂ kit edu CS 11.40 226 |
Pfeifer, Anne | Student Surveys, Survey Management | +49 721 608-41142 anne pfeifer ∂ kit edu CS 11.40 227 |
2 additional persons visible within KIT only. |
Name | Degree | Function | Contact |
Grein, Silke | Dipl.-Betrw. (FH) | Allocation of Funds | +49 721 608-41132 silke grein ∂ kit edu |
Grimberger, Veronika | M.A. | Governance | +49 721 608-41137 veronika grimberger ∂ kit edu |
Ufuk, Sennur | B.A. | Berichtswesen, Reporting Studium und Lehre | +49 721 608-41131 sennur ufuk ∂ kit edu CS 11.40 236 |
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Name | Degree | Function | Contact |
Frisu, Ernestine | Head of Knowledge Transfer and Political Relations | ernestine frisu ∂ kit edu |
Gaab, Natalie | Head of KIT Science Week, Expert Knowledge Transfer | natalie gaab ∂ kit edu CS 11.40 252 |
Huber, Anton | Dr. | Public Affairs Manager | +49 721 608-41182 anton huber ∂ kit edu |
Iordache, Claudia | Project coordination Science Week and Assistant | +49 721 608-41010 +49 174 4914799 claudia iordache ∂ kit edu |
Los, Lara Marie | B.A. | Projektkoordination Jubiläum "200 Jahre KIT" | +49 721 608-41184 lara los ∂ kit edu CS 11.40 237 |
Reiß, Wiebke | M.A. | Projektleitung Jubiläum "200 Jahre KIT", Wissenstransfer | +49 721 608-41164 +49 152 01602121 wiebke reiss ∂ kit edu |
Stutz, Suzan | Dr. | Projektkoordinatorin für politische Vernetzungsarbeit | suzan stutz ∂ kit edu CS 11.40 |
1 additional person visible within KIT only. |
Name | Degree | Function | Contact |
Schäfer, Lars | M. Sc. | Head of Central Marketing | CS 11.40 |
Houdelet, Nathalie | M. Sc. | Project Lead Employer Branding / Deputy Head of Central Marketing | +49 721 608-41168 nathalie houdelet ∂ kit edu |
Rohnstock, Julia | B.A. | Expert Student Marketing | +49 721 608-41127 julia rohnstock ∂ kit edu CS |
Schömperlen, Anke | anke schoemperlen ∂ kit edu |
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Name | Title | Function | Contact |
Schwartländer, Ruth | Dr. | Head of institutional renewability, Deputy Head of STS | |
Lodes, Nadja | M.A. | Project member - Institutional development of KIT | nadja lodes ∂ kit edu |
Ranalder, Moritz | B.A. | Project member - Institutional development of KIT | +49 721 608-41183 moritz ranalder ∂ kit edu CS |
Reussner, Eva | Dr. | Consultant for institutional development | eva reussner ∂ kit edu |
1 additional person visible within KIT only. |