Helmholtz Energy Office
The Helmholtz Energy Office (STS-HEO) supports the Vice President Energy of the Helmholtz Association, currently Prof. Dr. Bernd Rech, in his role as Research Field Coordinator Energy.
With research from the fundamentals to application, Helmholtz Energy, the Helmholtz Research Field Energy, creates the scientific basis for a climate-neutral energy supply that is economically and socially sustainable. In interdisciplinary programs, researchers develop trendsetting solutions for the energy transition in Germany and for the sustainable transformation of energy supply worldwide.

Dr. Heike Boos
Head of Helmholtz Energy Office
Telefon: +49 721 608-41004
Tasks of the Helmholtz Energy Office:
- Coordination and support of all ongoing processes in the Helmholtz Research Field Energy (Helmholtz Energy).
- Supporting the Helmholtz Vice-President as Research Field Coordinator Energy
- Supporting the Helmholtz Energy committees (Management Board, Research Field Platform) and preparing other Helmholtz committees from the perspective of Helmholtz Energy
- Strategic processes in Helmholtz Energy
- Formulation and coordination of the Helmholtz Energy Transition Roadmap
- Knowledge transfer and public relations of Helmholtz Energy
- Talent management within Helmholtz Energy
- Cross-program networking of Helmholtz Energy researchers, e.g. by organizing events
- Coordination and preparation of positions
- Supporting the Science Platform Climate Protection
Name | Degree | Function | Contact |
Boos, Heike | Dr. | Head of Helmholtz Energy Office | +49 721 608-41004 heike boos ∂does-not-exist.kit edu CS 11.40 |
González-García, Núria | Dr. | Expert Helmholtz Energy | nuria gonzalez-garcia ∂does-not-exist.kit edu CS 11.40 |
Hübsch, Manuela | Dr. | Expert Helmholtz Energy | manuela huebsch ∂does-not-exist.kit edu CS 11.40 |
Layer, Anna | M.Sc. | Expert Helmholtz Energy | +49 721 608-41007 anna layer ∂does-not-exist.kit edu |
McInturff, Simone | Dr. | Expert Helmholtz Energy | +49 721 608-41009 simone mcinturff ∂does-not-exist.kit edu CS |
Meyn, Andrea | Dr. | Expert Science Platform Climate Protection / Deputy Head Helmholtz Energy Office | +49 721 608-41005 andrea meyn ∂does-not-exist.kit edu |