- First contact for all central committees of KIT
- Committee administration:
- Template management (download of forms for PS and PS+ meetings)
- Preparation of agendas and meeting documents
- Taking minutes
- Appointment coordination
- Quality assurance:
- Control of meeting documents
- Controlling and archiving of resolutions
- SharePoint maintenance
- Further development of processes
Corinna Wetzel
Assistentin Abt. Strategisches Controlling und Reporting, Qualitätsmanagement, Gremienbetreuung
Assistentin Abt. Strategisches Controlling und Reporting, Qualitätsmanagement, Gremienbetreuung
+49 721 608-41104
corinna wetzel ∂does-not-exist.kit edu
11.40 Campus Süd
Name | Degree | Function | Contact |
Gerstner, Michael | M.A. | Head of Committee Support | +49 721 608-41170 michael gerstner ∂does-not-exist.kit edu |
Barumova-Paluch, Lora | MiBA | +49 721 608-41100 lora barumova-paluch ∂does-not-exist.kit edu |
Hanisch, Michelle | Gepr. Fachwirtin | Support of "Bereichsleiterrunde" | +49 721 608-41109 gremien-bereichsleitungen ∂does-not-exist.sts kit edu |
Lehr, Janine | Dipl.-Betrw. (BA) | Supervisory Board Office / Deputy Head of Committee Support | +49 721 608-41107 ar-geschaeftsstelle ∂does-not-exist.kit edu |
Ludwig, Anastasia | M. A. | Support of Executive Board Meetings (PS(+)) | +49 721 608-41108 gremien-praesidium ∂does-not-exist.sts kit edu |
Scheibenberger, Nastassja | M. A. | Gesamtlenkungskreis+ (GLK+) | +49 721 608-41126 nastassja scheibenberger ∂does-not-exist.kit edu |
Stach, Isabell | Support of KIT Senate | +49 721 608-41106 gremien-senat ∂does-not-exist.sts kit edu |
1 additional person visible within KIT only. |