Child Care
In and around Karlsruhe, there is a very high demand for child care. However, offers, in particular for care of infants below 3 years of age, are mostly very limited. Please click on the links below to get informations about the numerous child care institutions in the City of Karlsruhe and about the possibilities offered by KIT. Due to the great demand, we recommend to contact several different institutions at an early stage.
Should your child need a place in a childcare institution in the area of Karlsruhe for the coming kindergarten year starting September 1, it is obligatory to apply until February 15 at the latest via the electronic application and search portal of the City of Karlsruhe.
The portal wishes to inform the parents about local childcare institutions and their profiles and availability of places and enables online registration of the children that need care. Allocation of the childcare places rests with the authorities supporting the respective institutions.
General Information
- Application procedure
- Different concepts and responsible organisations (Information material provided by the City of Karlsruhe)
Child Care Institutions
- City of Karlsruhe
- Day Care in the area of Karlsruhe
- Information provided by the City of Ettlingen
Nanny on a daily basis
After-school care