KIT. Sustainable.

Sustainable development is a task for mankind. KIT contributes to sustainable development through its core tasks of research, teaching, and innovation as well as in its own actions. The Sustainability Office supports the Representative of the Presidential Board for Climate Protection and Sustainability (K-NB) in the cross-cutting topic of sustainability management and is the central contact for sustainability management for all stakeholders.
Topics and tasks include:

  • Development of measures to implement KIT's sustainability strategy.
  • Establishment of processes for the collection of data for sustainability reporting
  • Organizational and content-related support of KIT committees on sustainability
  • Consulting on processes and projects for sustainability at KIT


Lernpavillon auf dem Campus Süd des KITSustainability Office, KIT
Lern doch wo Du willst!

Lern- und Kommunikationspavillon am Campus Süd des KIT

mehr Informationen
Verleihung "Nationaler Preis - Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung" für das KITHans-Joachim Rickel, BMBF
"Nationaler Preis - Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung" für das KIT

10 000 Euro Preisgeld für herausragende Bildungsinitiativen in der Kategorie „Lernorte“

zur Presseinformation
3. Helmholtz Sustainability SummitHelmholtz
Making research infrastructures sustainable - from humans, mice and machines

3rd Helmholtz Sustainability Summit
September 1-2, 2022, Cologne at the German Aerospace Center (DLR)

zur Anmeldung